Ali Alhadeff
Appointed to Ryther's Board of Trustees in November 2023
Ali Alhadeff was born and raised in Seattle and has endeavored in her life to balance a worldview that supports self-reflection and community engagement. As a young adult, Ali earned her bachelor’s in social work and worked at Ryther as a behavioral healthcare specialist in one of their residential cottages. The two years she spent there were formative in her worldview and dedication towards social change and engagement.
After Ryther, Ali went back to the University of Washington to obtain her master’s in social work with a concentration in mental health. She used the skills there to support her in the following seven years she spent at Lake Washington Girl’s Middle School in the student services department. The work she did supporting students and families through challenging moments all while developing and employing a school-wide curriculum to support identity development, emotional intelligence, and sexuality education was deeply rewarding. She engaged in several trainings with the Center for Equity and Inclusion to hone her skills of facilitation and to continue to develop her eye and activism towards social justice through their Reframing Racism training.
After leaving LWGMS, Ali spent time traveling and going back to school to obtain a certificate in sexuality education at Antioch University. To increase positive health outcomes and work towards a more just and open society, Ali and her business partner co-founded Wellness Integrated Sexuality Education (WISE). WISE facilitates comprehensive, inclusive, and intersectional sexuality education for people of all ages.
Ali works to balance holding space for where individuals are while pushing them to think critically about how they learned what they did and where they want to go next in their journey of growing and becoming. Intentionality plays a significant role in how Ali builds relationships, curriculum, and engages in the work of expanding the conversation around sexuality on individual and systemic levels.