Sharon Setzler
Appointed to Ryther's Board of Trustees in June 2023
Sharon Setzler joined the Ryther League (Noel Unit) in 1995 after touring Ryther’s campus and learning about the agency from a few friends. Prior to joining the Ryther League, Sharon was active with the Children’s Hospital Guild as well as the Paul Pigott Guild. After retiring, Sharon became heavily involved in the Noel Unit and Ryther League.
Sharon stepped up to chair the Ryther League from 2012-2015 and during that time Sharon worked with the ReStyle Shop, redecorating, and renaming the thrift store ReStyle Shop. Previously ReStyle brought in around $32,000 annually and is now seeing $100,000 annually. This is due to the wonderful volunteers and spreading the word about the thrift store.
Sharon has again taken over chairing the League for this coming fiscal year (2023-2024) and is still very active in the Noel Unit and in fundraising for that unit. Sharon loves Ryther so much and what the agency does for children.