​First Episode Psychosis is focused on providing critically needed comprehensive treatment to individuals who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. Treatment services are provided through a team of mental health staff focused on assisting clients with identifying their personal goals and needs for recovery that will allow them to return to functioning well at their job, school, home, and other areas of life.
This is accomplished through the collaborative work that the treatment team performs with the client, family, doctors, teachers, employers, and other significant people in the client’s life. The collaborative work includes providing information on the client’s psychosis and information on ways to reduce the barriers to the client successfully engaging in treatment and recovery.


Experiencing a first episode of psychosis – onset of symptoms or a diagnosis within the last two years.
Have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective, schizophreniform, or other psychotic disorder, Bipolar disorder with psychotic features, other specified bipolar disorder, Manic episode with psychotic symptoms, Major Depressive Disorder with psychotic features, Delusional Disorder, Brief psychotic disorder.
Be between the ages of 15–24. We can serve adults until their 26th birthday. At that time, it is appropriate to seek continued treatment with an adult-servicing agency or provider(s).
Be a resident of King or Snohomish counties


​​Referring providers, please contact us to consult and ask any questions as you explore program fit for clients you are considering referring.
We accept the following insurance: First Choice, Premera, Regence, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaiser Permanente, LifeWise, Optum United Behavioral Health, United Healthcare Community Plan of Washington, and all Medicaid MCOs: Molina, United Health Care, Wellpoint, Community Health Plan of Washington, and Coordinated Care.