Dear Friends,
Helping children, youth, young adults, and their families find their path to healing and hope is at the core of Ryther’s work. We can only achieve this by striving for excellence and providing an array of services needed and wanted by the community we serve. As an agency that already uses and promotes evidence-based practices to ensure that those services are effective, we have implemented a new trauma care model focused on Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC). Implemented agency-wide, the ARC Model is not only foundational to our delivery of treatment but also to every interaction with clients and their families. Initial results have been very positive and we expect outcomes to improve for our clients for years to come.
We also have expanded our programs and locations where we provide them. Ryther now has more therapists in schools and social service agencies than ever before. We continue to identify and address pressing needs in the community such as youth houselessness and addiction. As we expand our services to serve more than 800 children, youth and young adults each month – regardless of payer, gender identity, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity or place of origin – we do so with the intention that we would want our own families to use these services should they need them. We can only achieve our goals by being accountable to you, our supporter, for your investment and the confidence you have demonstrated in us. You are a true partner in what happens every day at Ryther, and for that we thank you.
With Gratitude,
Karen Brady
Executive Director, CEO


Karen Brady
Executive Director
and CEO

Heather Womeldorf
Senior Director
of Operations

Dr. Skye Camphouse
Senior Director of
Inpatient Services

Crystal Hynek
Senior Director of
Outpatient Services

Kelly Scalise
Senior Director
of Philanthropy