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A Week in the Life

From the time they awake to when they shut their eyes, the 36 children in Ryther’s Cottage Program are beneficiaries of your generosity. Here is one child’s typical week. “Justin,” from cottage C is 9 years old. He is awoken by staff and does his “routines” with donated toothbrushes from Delta Dental. Next, he enjoys breakfast, paid for by your annual operating gifts and prepared by Cottage Behavioral staff, also funded through general operations. What to wear? Jeans and shoes from the League’s clothing fund, plus a jacket from F-factor fit perfectly. As he dashes out the door, donated school supplies fill Justin’s backpack. A look in the mirror says that haircut really looks good…thanks to volunteer hairstylists. After school on Mondays Justin looks forward to seeing his Best Buddy volunteer. On Tuesdays he works with his Ryther therapist. They may “hike” on the volunteer-created nature trail or work in the garden, also made possible by volunteers and special funds. On other days he is in the Challenge Course with his experiential therapist, certified with donor designated funding. Since Justin reached a treatment goal, he chooses a toy from the prize box. His Survivor and Healing Hearts groups require materials as well as celebratory items for the completion of the hard work he will do. These items are funded through your donations to Healing Hearts and Specific Assistance funds. Wednesdays, he receives much needed unconditional love from his therapy dog, made possible by the K9’s volunteer owner. And lots of tail wagging. When treatment and homework are done, Justin bikes the loop, plays with his DS and scores a soccer goal, thanks to Holiday Gifts donors!

Special Friday nights include pizza and a movie thanks to ongoing donations from individuals. Justin’s birthday was special because he received a Rocky Balboa cake from the Ryther League, birthday books from two special donors and a party, organized by Random Acts of Kindness. At bed time, which can be very difficult, the flannel sheets, stuffed animals, nearby nightlight and League’s quilt all make for a restful sleep. There are many more instances illustrating how children benefit from your involvement. We thank you for caring and giving help.


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